Svilen Kolev

I'm an engineer, researcher, and basketball player.

Hello, I am Svilen

The purpose of this website is to explore some programing by creating a collection of my ongoing projects/ideas/interests. It is still in progress.

I am a first year PhD student in Professor Erel Levines "BIG QB lab" - Brain Immune Gut Quntitative Biology. I am interested in population dynamics of microbes in the gut and how they affect the brain. Our lab uses the too small to see worms C. Elegans as a model organism. We are looking to take math and engineering approaches to study this biology.

Outside of school I enjoy traveling and exploring new places and cultures. My favorite destinations are my birthplace Plovdiv in Bulgaria, and Hong Knong where I spent a semester studying abroad. Growing up sports were my favorite activity. I am a Boston Celtics, and Atlanta United fan. I love to play basketball and soccer. In the winter I enjoy skiing and in the summer I enjoy hiking and camping.

Check out my resume


Project 1


Project 2


Hello world
